Traditional values – Alternative values
It requires a great deal of boldness and caution to make a great fortune. And when you have got it, it requires ten times as much to keep it.
(Quote from Nathan Mayer Rothschild)
Swiss Family Office – Basic
- Opening (Swiss) Bank Account – Multi Asset Manager
- Better interest, lower conditions with our lawyers
- Coaching, succession planning, further education, courses, training
- Fiduciary and administrative (estate) services – financial controlling
- Emigration and escrow services with experienced lawyer partners:
- Change of residence to Switzerland and property search
- Ensuring the exchange of contractual services
- Setting up and organising your own very individual family office
Swiss Family Office – Plus
- Asset Consolidation (with/without software)
- Traditional values like equities and bonds
- Participations, private equity and private debt, private funds
- Income properties, battery storages, green energy, commodities
- Litigation Funding, oldtimer, art, fine wines, gemstones, gold
- Check-up of cost structure of your rates and charges
- Risk Controlling of Asset management – Manager selection
- Financial Modeling with fair valuation and individual reporting
- Advanced Impact Investing – at us Philanthropy and ROI combined
Legal finance (third party litigation funding, TPLF) asset class – At us with insurance and in swiss francs (CHF)
Allows lawsuits to be decided on their merits, and not based on which party has deeper pockets or stronger appetite for protracted litigation
(Quote Eileen Bransten, retired justice of the New York Supreme Court, since 1691)
5 Years-Track Record (2020-2025) © Graphic table Copyright SwissFinanceSteuber 2025
TPLF is an arrangement where an outside party finances some or all of a plaintiff’s legal costs in return for a share of the proceeds from the case resolution
(Source Swiss Re, Zurich, Switzerland, Litigation Finance is expected to play an increasingly important role, Trend Spotlight publication)
Portfolio with thousands of individually reviewed claims from law firms:
- Since years fixed returns 5-10% per year and quarterly pay-outs
- Very high diversification, small claim sizes, relative short durations
- Secured (Lloyd’s of London, (Re-)insurance, Fitch+S&P; AA-, Very Strong)
Comp. UBS (Fitch Rating A, Downgraded, S&P Outlook Negative, 6.2.24) - More sustainable inflation protection, saves cash-flow of companies
Video What is Litigation Finance? (Duncan Law Firm, Texas at Salt Forum NY)
Video What ist Litigation Funding? (Osborne Clarke Law Firm, London, since 1748)
Deal flow of various established Legal Financing types with law firms:
- No volatility and no correlation with traditional markets
- Manager: Selection, Software (LegalTech), Settlement
- Law firms: Acknowledged, established and regulated
- Investor: More interest (with ESG/SDG-Impact)
- Injured plaintiff: Precondition alternative insurance (ATE)
Ref. Plaintiff is the priority (ATE-Insurance manager DAS Canada, MunichRE)
Video What is ATE-Insurance? (Priala Law Firm, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
History of Legal Finance as alternative to legaL AID
- In 1999 with The “Access to Justice” Act in mainly England and Wales as the intention was originally to offer alternatives to traditional litigation funding, which had been before just conditionally Legal Aid:
- Chap. 22, Para. 3: „..replaces the legal aid system with two new schemes; and makes provision about private methods of funding litigation..“
- Chap. 22, Para. 32: „The Act reforms the law relating to conditional fees and “after the event” legal expenses insurance..“
Ref: Access to Justice Act, A. Funding of Legal Services (Parts III, sections 1-34)
- Thus following this huge game change in the legal landscape the Litigation Funding industry was born and started to grow to a multi-billion asset class mainly at UK, USA, Canada, and Australia.
with Legal Finance as asset class Investing like Harvard University
Cases known from the media involving Legal Finance include among others the VW diesel scandal from Germany, the virtual online casinos in Europe, the Wirecard equity scandal on the German stock exchange, Credit Suisse AT1 bond in Switzerland, dam collapses of mining companies in Latin America, Africa or Asia or like oil pollution at the sea. In both, litigation finance and litigation funding, there are numerous combination options and variants for the individual needs of the plaintiffs, law firms and investors. These include increasingly foundations, pension funds, insurances, banks, Family Offices, asset managers or as the Harvard University with the Harvard Law School. Various legal areas, settlements predominate with up to over 95%. An investment universe of the potential settlements or the judgments worth worldwide estimated hundreds of billions per year enables selected fine alternative investments.
Business Consulting – Market Solutions
- Sustainable business development for your future market:
- Creation of business plan and marketing material
- Competition analysis of your desired target market
- Organisation of website projects as internet presence
- Kommerz Int. (Working Cap, Corporate Finance) with partners:
- Export or import financing, foreign exchange trading
- (Reverse) factoring of suppliers (Switzerland, Germany)
Business Consulting – Logistic Solutions
- Evaluation and monitoring by Swiss Family Office of your Asset Management Software like as follows:
- Portfolio features: Asset Allocation (BM, Peer Group, CAPM), Monitoring (Compliance), Ordermanagement (STP), Performance-, risc analysis (TWR/MWR, Sharpe, VaR), Reporting (B2B/B2C), …
- Technical features: Systemarchitecture (DB, Data-Warehousing, Apps, Scalability), Middleware (SWIFT, RTW, Mapping), Web Browser (GUI, Hosting), Security (Smartcards, SSL), …
- Operational features: 24/7, Multi currency, Update with Silent mode, Corporate Actions, Valor/ISIN/WKN aggregations, …
Swiss Family Office – More Interest Like 50 Years Ago
A stable legal and social environment as here in Switzerland, is a good pre-condition for a long-term planning of a family office. With one of the world’s lowest debt ratios Switzerland is one of the few countries with an AAA rating. Switzerland is neither a member of the EU nor the euro zone, has it’s own sovereign currency (CHF), with stable interest and achieved with unique actively practiced direct democracy prosperity and security. Moreover, the public infrastructure in Switzerland by world standards is well developed and reliable. After the successfully opening of a Swiss Family Office, there is often a consolidation and valuation of all the kind of assets needed. Especially with complex, historically grown investments a global overview and structure becomes more important.
- Tailormade solutions according your entrepreneurial needs and your current individual living situation. – Swiss Finance Steuber – Advantage through know-how. – You are worth it.